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Click below to see professionals organized by practice area:

D. Randal Ayers

Primary Practice Areas: Electronics/Computer, Litigation
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Sridevi Basavaraju

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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David D. Beatty

Primary Practice Area: Mechanical
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Erin Bobay

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Needham J. Boddie, II

Primary Practice Area: Mechanical Secondary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer and Trademarks
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Alice M. Bonnen, Ph.D.

Primary Practice Area: Biotechnology
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James R. Cannon

Primary Practice Area: Mechanical
Secondary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical, Trademark
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Armando L. Corona, Ph.D.

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Anthony P. DeRosa

Primary Practice Area: Mechanical
Secondary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical, Trademark
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Wayne L. Ellenbogen

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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Lorena P. Gomez

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Jen Gorlach, Ph.D.

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Vernon H. Guthrie

Primary Areas: Electronics/Computer
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Seokhoon (Brandon) Hong

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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Laura M. Kelley

Primary Practice Area: Mechanical
Secondary Practice Areas: Electronics/Computer, Trademark
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JT Marbut

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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D. Scott Moore

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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Sherry L. Murphy

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Lesley Pasman, Ph.D.

Primary Practice Area: Biotechnology
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George Patsarikas

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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Stephen J. Petroski

Primary Practice Area: Mechanical
Secondary Practice Area: Trademark
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Julie H. Richardson

Practice Area: Mechanical
Secondary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Trademark
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Rachel D. Rutledge

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Rohan G. Saba

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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Robert A. Schwartzman, Ph.D.

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
Secondary Practice Area: Trademark
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Grant J. Scott

Primary Practice Area: Electronics/Computer
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Chris Venters, Ph.D.

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Madison Wayland

Primary Practice Areas: Biotechnology, Chemical
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Mitchell S. Bigel

Retired Shareholder
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