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Every case or matter is unique with its own facts and applicable law, and success in prior cases or matters does not guarantee a similar outcome in another case or matter.

Super Lawyers
For more information about Super Lawyers honors and methodology, please visit the Super Lawyers website.
iAM Patent 1000
For more information about iAM Patent 1000 and methodology, please visit the iAM website.
Business North Carolina Legal Elite
For more information about Business North Carolina Legal Elite honors and methodology, please visit the Business North Carolina website.
Ocean Tomo
For more information about Ocean Tomo patent quality ratings and methodology, please visit the Ocean Tomo website.
Best Lawyers
For more information about Best Lawyers honors and methodology, please visit the Best Lawyers website.
Corporate America’s Legal Elite Awards
For more information about Corporate America’s Legal Elite awards and methodology, please visit the Corporate America Legal Elite website.